Pip, you were such a pleasure to work with and brightened each day. You made me smile and laugh every time we spoke. My heart goes out to all your friends and family. I miss you x
Claire Jarvis
23rd August 2023
Dearest Philippa,
Thank you for your guidance, mentorship and friendship over the years, something I am truly grateful for. Your sparkle will shine on for a lifetime in the hearts and memories of those whose lives you touched. Fly high lovely lady. xxx
Nic Rahilly
23rd August 2023
Pip you always had a smile on your face, even with your own health issues you would smile and be there to listen and guide people, you got me through some of my darkest days last year. Our journeys were different but you made me start my journey with a smile and the day I completed my radiotherapy you kind words were waiting for me. Thank you for being you and keep flying high beautiful lady xxxxx
Emma Ball
22nd August 2023